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Crying is a normal event in the lives of all babies.When a baby comes out of the woomb the first thing to do is crying.By the first cry he will take some air in to the lungs for the first time in their life.After delivery if the baby doesnot cry then it should be initiated by slightly pinching or gently strocking the feet.From this it is clear that the healthy baby should cry and it is a normal physiological event ,still some times it can upset the mother or family members.

We all know that a baby can't tell his needs or troubles in words. The only way for him  to communicate with others is by crying.Babies show some other signs like feet kicking,hand waving and head turning ect.But the best way to take the attention of others is by crying.

Excessive crying may not have a firm definition because the crying habit changes from baby to baby and some babies can be calmed easily but some are difficult to sooth.If crying is distressing for the mother and home nurse it can be called excessive.Many a times baby become quiet by giving breast milk or by carrying with a gentle rocking.Sudden onset of excessive crying means baby is distressed and needs attention.The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions.Hence crying of a baby should not be ignored.

Most of the time it is difficult to find the cause of the cry .Common causes are discussed here for awareness.

Common reasons for crying:

A hungry baby will cry till he gets  the milk. Here the old saying comes true'crying baby gets the milk'.


Urination and defecation causes some discomfort and results in crying till his parts are cleaned and made dry .


Majority of the kids need somebody near.  If they feel lonely they cry.When their favourite doll slips away from the grip they cry for help.

When the baby is tired after a journey and unable to sleep just cry simply.They feel tired in uncomfortable sourroundings and due to unhealthy climate.

5,Heat & cold:--

If they feel too hot or too cold they become restless and cry. Child is comfortable in a room with good ventilation.

6,Tight cloathing:--

Tight cloaths especially during warm climate is intolerable for kids.Tight elastic of the the dress can also produce soreness in the hip region.                                                                                    

7,Dark room:--

When the baby wakes up from sleep he needs some dim light.If there is darkness he will disturb the sleep of parents by crying.Ofcourse he will be irritated by strong light resulting in cry.


Yes,these creatures disturb the sleep by their blood sucking and make the baby to cry.

9,Nasal blocking:--

Child may not be able to sleep when there is a cold and go on crying till the passage is open.

10, Phlegm in throat:--

This also causes difficult breathing resulting in cry.Often a typical sound can be heard with each breath.

11,General aching:--

Generalised body ache with restlessness is seen in flu and prodromal stages of some infectious diseases can result in continuous cry.

12,Habitual cry:---Some babies cry without any real cause ending the parents in agony.Many a times doctor is called for help.

13,Nappy rash:-- If a tight and wet nappy is kept for a long time results in this conditon.
  Rash can also be due to some allergic reaction to the elastic material of the nappy.  When the rash appears it causes soreness and baby become sleepless and cry.  All other skin lesions like eczema,ecthyma ,candidiasis ect also causes same problems.                                                 


Ear infection is common in wet climate.The infection may spread from the throat.Ear infection can result in rupture of ear drum causing discharge of pus.Eareache usually becomes worse at night when lying down.Child will become restless with cry and may not allow you to touch the ear.Some children with earache rub the affected ear frequently.


When the baby cry continuously most of us diagnose it as colic.This roblem is still a topic for debate because exact cause for colic is not known and diagnosis is also difficult to confirm.Colic may be associated with rumbling and distention of abdomen.Child often feels better when lying on abdomen.Some children may not allow you to touch the abdomen.If the child cries continuously doctors help is needed.


All infections causes some kind of pain or irritation resulting in cry.Infection may be anywhere in the body.Usually it is associated with fever, redness and swelling.

17,Reactions to certain food:--

It is said that one man's food is another man's poison. Some food articles can produce some allergic reactions.Allergy  is manifested in the form of redness, breathlessness,gastric symptons and continuous cry.
18,Hard stools:--

Constipated babies with hard stools may cry when they get the urge for stool.Some children hesitate to pass stool because of pain .

19,Gastro esophagial reflex:--

Here baby cries with spilling of food after feeding.If this continues it may be due to gastroesophageal reflex.This is due to failure of the lower part of esophagus to close after food causing regurgitation from the stomach.It is difficult to diagnose this condition and can be confirmed by giving antireflex medicines.
20, Dentition:--

During dentition child becomes restless with crying.Often associated with gastric troubles and diarrhoea.
Some rare reasons

1,Bowel obstruction:--

Bowel obstruction is associated with severe pain and vomiting.Abdomen is distended with rumbling sound.Baby is constipated with absence of flatus.


Invasion of pathogenic micro organisms in to the blood is called septicemia.Fever is associated with this condition.

3,Torsion of testes in male kids:--

When a male baby cries continuously his scrotum should be examined.Torsion of the testes produce severe pain which will be worse by touching the affected testes.When the testes is pressed upwards pain is releived.If this is not treated properly it can damage the affected  testes due to lack of blood supply.


Initially there may not be fever,hence crying baby with alternate vacant stare and irritability should not be ignored.Fontanel is bulging. Neck rigidity and seizures may appear later.

5,Retention of urine:--

Children with retention of urine will have agonising pain making them   restless.                                                

7,Major injuries:--

Major injury to any parts of the body causes pain.Occasionally children will fall while arrying and results in head injury.Head injury is associated with reflex vomiting and convulsions.

Straits Times journalist from Singapore, Lim Yee Hung reported in a newspaper article that he received two university degrees last week. One is an associate degree in Criminal Justice and the other is a bachelor's degree in Journalism. It took him just one week to get both degrees. If university degrees are that easy to get, they are probably fake degrees.

He went on to say in the report that he got the associate criminal justice degree from Belford University and the jour...

university degree, fake degrees

Article Body:
Straits Times journalist from Singapore, Lim Yee Hung reported in a newspaper article that he received two university degrees last week. One is an associate degree in Criminal Justice and the other is a bachelor's degree in Journalism. It took him just one week to get both degrees. If university degrees are that easy to get, they are probably fake degrees.

He went on to say in the report that he got the associate criminal justice degree from Belford University and the journalism degree from True Diplomas paying a total of US$349 for the degrees excluding freight charges without any studying on his part or examinations to take.

He called Belford University's hotline before buying the degrees and was assured that Belford University degrees are perfectly legal, properly accredited and accepted all over the world. In order for an applicant to qualify for a Belford online degree, the candidate must have sufficient 'life experience' or an 'online equivalency test' which can be done under one hour.

True Diploma have no degrees of their own to offer for they sell replica and imitation degrees from about 115 genuine universities including Ivy League universities such as Brown University and Cornell University. The degrees offered by True Diploma are certainly fakes and they tell you upfront about it.

When Lim received The Belford University degree, he found that it was very impressive. Along with the degree package were also educational transcripts with grades for each module. The university seal is embossed on the degree and looks authentic. How could there be grades and transcripts if tests and examinations are not taken?

The journalism degree though can be easily spotted as a fake. There are glaring misspelling and grammatical errors. For example, in his degree, December was spelt as Decemberf.

He reported that in the United States, fake degree scams are so rampant that the problem is seen as a national security threat. An audit in May 2004 showed that a total of 463 employees in the federal government had fake academic degrees. Some were even high ranking officials in sensitive positions with top level security clearance to boot.

According to fake degree mill expert John Bear, co-author of Degree Mills, fake degree mills are a billion dollar industry having sold thousands of fake online degrees and diplomas every week internationally.

Although some employers may check the qualifications of a prospective employees directly by calling up the university which awarded the degrees, this screening may not be effective against some degree mills as some of these degree mills provide verification services. Employers who called are told that the job applicant is indeed a graduate from that particular university.

However, not all college and university online degree programs are frauds. There are some great universities such as Harvard University offer online degrees.

So if you want to get an online degree, then it is prudent for you to do a thorough due diligence and check with your local educational authorities for the online university's authenticity so that you will not end up with a fake degree by a costly mistake.

Before getting your own car, it pays to do some homework. Think about what you need, what the car will be used for, and your budget. Look in books and online and think about repair costs, safety tests, mileage etc. All this research can save you some serious money and help you avoid being ripped off.

Car loan, loans, cheap loans, car warranties, guarantee, car insurance, car repairs, price, value, car finance

Article Body:
Before getting your own car, it pays to do some homework. Think about what you need, what the car will be used for, and your budget. Look in books and online and think about repair costs, safety tests, mileage etc.

All this research can save you some serious money and help you avoid being ripped off.

Once you’ve chosen the car you want, you have to decide how you are going to pay for it. You can pay the whole amount upfront or you can finance the purchase over time. If you do use financing, you should be aware that this increases the total cost of the car as you must pay for the car plus the credit.

Once you have decided on how much you can put down, you can look at the annual percentage rate (APR) of the loan and the length of the loan and see how much your monthly payments will be.

Generally speaking, the shorter the term of the loan, the higher the APR. If you are in your teens, cosigning with your parents will help you to get a better rate. You may also want to think about paying in cash for a less expensive car.

Dealer or Private Sale?

This is an important decision to make. If you buy from a dealer you will generally pay more. But you will benefit from knowing that if there is a problem you can return to the dealer to complain. Many dealers offer warranties and guarantee the quality of the car.

On the other hand, buying from an individual will offer less security as the car will generally be sold as is, which means you must bare the cost of any problems that later arise. You also cannot go back and complain to an individual if something they told you turns out to be untrue. That said, buying from an individual can often offer very good value.

First of all, they will not add a mark up on the price, which is what a dealer would do if he had bought it first. Also, if you bring along your own mechanic, or someone who knows about cars, you can have it checked out to make sure everything looks ok.

Before you buy the car, make sure you examine it with an inspection checklist. Get a good test drive over varied road conditions and be sure to get the car’s maintenance record. It is also worth having the car inspected by a mechanic if you have serious concerns about it.

Finally, before you buy, make sure you are ready to meet all the associated costs of having the car. These include insurance, fuel, maintenance and repairs.

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YouTube is what is known as an online video website. Video websites are websites that allow internet users to make, upload, and share their videos with other internet users. Many of the videos found on YouTube are homemade videos, made by everyday individuals. The videos are streamed, which allows for the quick loading and playing of them.

Perhaps, what is best about YouTube is that it is a free service. There are a fairly large number of online video sites; all of these sites operate in different ways. When speaking of usage, there are a many online sites that charge you to become a member and others that charge you to watch certain videos. According to their website, YouTube is completely free. You can not only watch videos made by others, but you can make your own and have access to a number of different YouTube features, without having to pay a thing.

If you are interested in just seeing what YouTube has to offer, you can easily do so by visiting their online website. That website can be found by visiting Once at YouTube’s main webpage, you can automatically begin searching for videos to watch. To watch videos, you do not necessarily have to register with the site, but it is advised. By registering with YouTube, you should be able to save your favorite videos, rate them, leave comments, and much more. Also, once you register, you should be able to make your own videos and upload them to the site.

When it comes to finding videos to watch on YouTube, you will find that it is not difficult at all. With a simple keyword search, you should be provided with videos matching the keywords that you searched with. In addition to performing a standard search, you should also be able to browse through the videos that are hosted on the site. You can browse through videos by highest rankings, most comments, most views, and most linked. All of these videos are ones that have, most likely, generated the most internet buzz.

While YouTube is a great place to watch all different kinds of videos, it is important to keep one thing in mind. YouTube is used by a large number of internet users. In fact, it can easily be considered the most popular online video website. This means that different individuals with different views and beliefs will be posting homemade videos. YouTube does regulate the videos that are hosted on their site, but it is possible that you may take offense to the videos that you see. Although it is difficult to determine what a video’s content will be by the video title, you are advised to avoid videos with titles may that cause you some concern.

Remember, if you are interested in seeing what the buzz is all about, you are encouraged to go visit With a wide variety of different videos available and the ability to make your own, you are sure to find something that will make your visit worth while.

Eye disease is very common with Golden Retrievers. Most Golden’s will generally have hereditary cataracts, which is a common eye problem. At an early age, with affected Golden’s, one type of hereditary cataract will appear. Even though it may not cause interference with the vision of the Golden Retriever, some dogs will progress into total and quite possibly severe loss of vision.

Sometimes, Golden Retrievers can get affected by non hereditary cataracts, although an examination by a board certified veterinarian can determine just how bad the cataracts really are. If cataracts are indeed suspected with a Golden Retriever, then breeding won’t be recommended. Breeding a Golden who has this condition can lead to serious problems, such as passing it on to the pups.

Several families of the Golden Retriever breed have been known to carry genes for CPRA (Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy), which affects the retina, and can result in permanent blindness for Golden’s at a young age. There are other types of eye defects as well, such as retinal dysplasia, which prevents a Golden from breeding.

Trouble with both the eyelid and eyelashes are also a possibility with Golden Retrievers, with some being the result of hereditary factors. The eyelids rotating in or out, or the eyelashes rubbing on or in the eye are both common problems with the breed. Even though surgery can help to fix these types of problems, dogs that are experiencing this type of problem shouldn’t be allowed to breed nor compete in shows under any type of AKC rules.

You should always have your Golden Retriever checked annually for eye disease, as it can develop during any age. When you take your Golden to have him examined for eye disease, you should have a veterinary ophthalmologist do the exam. He has all of the necessary equipment, and the proper training needed to make sure that your dog gets the best examination possible.

Heart disease
SAS (Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis) is the most common and widespread form of heart disease within the entire Golden Retriever species. Before you breed your Golden Retriever, you should always have him examined for heart disease by a certified veterinary cardiologist. If the cardiologist detects a heart murmur, he will recommend additional tests for your dog.

In the event that the results prove negative, it doesn’t necessarily rule heart disease out, as some milder forms may still be present, although undetectable. If a Golden Retriever is diagnosed to have any type of heart disease, he should not breed. Breeding Golden Retrievers who have heart disease can lead to serious and sometimes fatal results. To be on the safe side, you should always have your Golden tested for his disease before you plan on breeding.

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